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Bird Watching Paradise of India : Eagle Nest

Ask any birder in India which their dream destination for bird-watching is, and a unanimous cry will be “Eaglenest”!

Located in the North-eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, and made even more popular with the discovery of the Bugun Liochichla in 2006 – an endemic bird of Eaglenest aptly named after the local Bugun tribe.

Eaglenest is contiguous with the Pakke Tiger Reserve, Sessa Orchid Sanctuary as well as Nameri Tiger Reserve – and it’s relative isolation and low population distribution has ensured that it remains as one of India’s last large pristine forest stretches, relatively undisturbed as yet by the pressures of human development.

The accessible birding areas lie between 500m – 2800m above sea-level covering a range of habitats from Lowland Evergreen Forest, Temperate broad-leaved Forest, Bamboo, Coniferous and Scrub.

Close to 500 species are recorded here and it has been declared an Important Bird Area(IBA).


When to visit Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary :

  • November to mid-May is a great time to visit for a birding tour at Eaglenest.

  • Summers : March-May is when the vegetation is at it’s lowest ebb, with the breeding season of the birds makes it very fruitful.

Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, India

Eaglenest Travel Guide

How to Reach
Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

How to Reach
Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

  • 8.5 hr road journey from Guwahati Airport, Assam – well connected by flight from New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata & Bangalore

  • 04 hr road journey from Tezpur Airport – connected by flight from Guwahati 3 times a week. Need to stay overnight at Guwahati to catch the early morning flight to Tezpur(45 min flight)

  • 5 hr drive from Nameri National Park & 5.5 hr drive away from Kaziranga National Park  respectively, popular destinations nearby.

How Many Nights to Spend at Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

How Many Nights to Spend at Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

  • At least 05 nights, up to 12 nights.

What are the Types of Safaris at Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

What are the Types of Safaris
Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

  • Birding is done here on foot. A vehicle does accompany one while ascending the hills, and as it is an unregulated area – you can easily get off the cars amongst the various birding areas to look for different species.

Mammals at Eaglenest

Mammal Highlights

  • Bhutan Giant Flying Squirrel

  • Asiatic Golden Cat

  • Arunachal Macaque

  • Asiatic Elephant

  • Yellow-throated Marten

  • Red Panda

  • Himalayan Serow

  • Grey-headed Giant Flying Squirrel

  • Bengal Slow Loris

  • Capped Langur

Reptiles at Eaglenest

Reptile Highlights

  • Abor Hills Agama or Annandale’s Dragon – rediscovered in 2007 after 130 years

  • Variegated Mountain Lizard

  • Darjeeling False Wolf Snake – rediscovered after several decades

  • Jerdon’s Red Spotted Pit Viper – first record in India at Eaglenest

Birds at Eaglenest

Birding Highlights

  • Bugun Liocichla - endemic bird of Eaglenest

  • Blyth’s Tragopan

  • Temminck’s Tragopan

  • Snow Partridge

  • Ward’s Trogon

  • Fire-tailed Myzornis

  • Beautiful Nuthatch

  • Grandala

  • Hodgson’s Frogmouth

  • Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler

  • Chestnut-breasted Partridge

  • Winter Wren

  • Bar-winged Wren Babbler

  • Long-billed Wren Babbler

  • Rufous-throated Wren Babbler

  • Pygmy Wren Babbler

  • Rufous-necked Hornbill

  • Wreathed Hornbill

  • Yellow-rumped Honeyguide

  • Bhutan Laughingthrush

  • Streak-throated Barwing

  • Rufous-breasted Bush Robin

  • Red-faced Liocichla

  • Hill Blue Flycatcher

  • Goldcrest

  • Tibetan Serin

  • Black-faced Laughingthrush

  • Spotted Laughingthrush

  • Great Parrotbill

05 Night Tour of Eaglenest Wildlfe Sanctuary

Things to do at Eaglenest India:

There's plenty of interesting places to travel to, in and around Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary.

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